+38 (044) 504-22-66 [email protected]

Cultural heritage

Applications submitted for the program 457

Historical and cultural heritage, implementing the values of different generations of Ukrainians, reproduces the ancient history of our society and gives each individual a strong sense of belonging to the national community. These aspects have become much more relevant since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation. Numerous losses from the invader's destruction of cultural property, that cannot be assessed only in property terms, need to be protected, preserved, and restored, as cultural heritage is a source of reformatting cultural narratives and meanings of Ukrainian society, its further growth and spiritual development, and the formation of a common historical memory. 

The goal of the program is to support projects aimed at researching, preserving, restoring, protecting, and popularizing Ukrainian cultural heritage, which will further strengthen the modern Ukrainian identity and form common values of Ukrainian society.

Objectives of the Cultural Heritage program:

  • Support of projects aimed to create new exhibitions and update existing ones, digitalization of printed materials, museum objects, archival documents, audiovisual materials, architectural and archaeological monuments.
  • Restoration, digitization of objects of material and nonmaterial cultural heritage, including those damaged during the Russian aggression or currently under threat, creation of tools and platforms for their presentation and popularization in Ukraine and abroad.
  • Support of projects aimed to study and preserve non-material cultural heritage through new forms and approaches.
  • Creation of interactive library and museum spaces, introduction of archival, library, and museum services available online, creation of a wide range of live and online activities, including for people with limited mobility (inclusive), and introduction of immersive technologies.

The program budget for 2023 is UAH 35 million.

The following LOTs are available within the Cultural Heritage Program for 2023:

  • LOT 1. Digitalization 
  • LOT 2: Cross-sectoral projects for the preservation of cultural heritage
  • LOT 3. Research of the historical and cultural heritage of Ukraine

Deadlines for application and project implementation

  • Submission of the project application for the competition: 16.01.2023 - 28.02.2023 (until 18.00 Kyiv time)
  • Competitive selection: 01.03.2023 - 19.05.2023
  • Implementation of projects, including report : from the date of signing the Grant Agreement by the Foundation, but not earlier than April 1, until October 31, 2023

Contacts: [email protected]

Program registeries

Program dates: 16 January 2023 — 31 October 2023