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Restoration of cultural and artistic activities

Applications submitted for the program 746

Priorities of Program:

  • Restoration of full-scale activities and development of culture and creative industries.
  • Supporting the development and functioning of the Ukrainian language in all spheres of public life in Ukraine and abroad.
  • Assistance in the implementation of modern digital technologies, development of innovative cultural products, cross-sectoral, interregional cultural and artistic projects to unleash creative potential, effective creative and economic activity in the field of culture and creative and economic activity in the field of culture and creative industries.
  • Promoting the observance of cultural rights, barrier-free access to consumption and creation of cultural products, ensuring equal opportunities for personal development and self-realization for all citizens and communities.
  • Support for cultural and artistic projects aimed at conducting applied and other research on culture and creative industries to study the state of affairs and ensure the formation of evidence-based policies in these and creative industries to study the state of play and ensure evidence-based policy making in these areas.
  • Support for cultural and artistic projects of international cooperation and promotion of Ukrainian cultural products abroad, integration of culture and creative industries into the European cultural space, strengthening ties with the international cultural environment to create a positive image and comprehensive support for Ukraine in the world.
  • Support for projects aimed at resisting the information and cultural component of Russian military aggression, understanding Ukraine's role in ensuring the security of Europe and the world from the armed aggression of the Russian Federation, and memorializing the heroic struggle of the Ukrainian people.

The objectives of the program "Restoration of cultural and artistic activities":

  • To contribute to the restoration of cultural and artistic activities by supporting cultural and artistic projects that result in the creation of a cultural and artistic product.
  • To support projects of artists, including persons with disabilities, who have suffered as a result of the hostilities of the Russian Federation, to restore their artistic activities and providing opportunities for the implementation of cultural and artistic projects.
  • To promote the implementation of cultural and artistic projects aimed at countering the information and cultural component of Russian military aggression and covering military topics, in particular, the memorialization of the heroic struggle of the Ukrainian people; the problems of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, internally displaced persons and other persons affected by hostilities and the temporary occupation of the territories of Ukraine.

The competition program "Restoration of cultural and artistic activities" offers the following LOTs:

  • LOT 1: Restoration of cultural and artistic activities (cultural and artistic projects);
  • LOT 2: Scholarship for the restoration of cultural and artistic activities.

Deadlines for application and project implementation

Submission of the project application for the competition: 09.12.2022 - 31.01.2023 (until 18.00 Kyiv time).

Program registeries

Program dates: 09 December 2022 — 31 October 2023