+38 (044) 504-22-66 [email protected]

Children of Culture

Applications submitted for the program 18

The Children of Culture program aims to develop children's potential in the cultural sector, actively involve children in cultural and artistic life and support children's projects through a combination of crowdfunding and public funding tools. The program is implemented in partnership between UСF and Garage Geng NGO and combines the crowdfunding platform “Biggggidea” of Garage Geng NGO and mechanisms for competitive selection of UCF projects to create cultural opportunities for children age 3-14, together with cultural figures, artists and creative entrepreneurs and oriented at actualization of childhood culture and comprehensive development of children in Ukraine.

To participate in the Children of Culture Program, participants are pre-selected by the UCF and Garage Gang NGO in accordance with the Evaluation Methodology of Children of Culture Programme.

The program consists of the following parts:

  • Educational part (Online educational course on crowdfunding, which will consist of webinars);
  • Crowdfunding campaign on the "Biggggidea" platform;
  • Project part: submission of grant applications for the UCF competition, passing the competitive selection, project implementation.


Terms of participation in the Children of Culture Program:

  • taking an online educational course (webinars) on crowdfunding and obtaining a certificate;
  • conducting a crowdfunding campaign on the platform Biggggidea and fundraising not less than 25% of the total project budget, but not less than 50 thousand UAH;
  • participation in the UCF competition program in order to receive a grant for its implementation.

The budget of the program for 2021 - will be determined after the approval of the State Budget of Ukraine for 2021.

Maximum grant amount: UAH 300,000

Deadlines for application and project implementation:

16.07.2020 - 15.08.2020 - application form for participation in the Program “Children of Culture” (Registries: received applications; rating of received applications; winners).

01.09.2020 - 15.09.2020 - educational part (webinars on crowdfunding).

15.09.2020 - 14.02.2021 - crowdfunding campaign on the platform Biggggidea (projects on the platform "Shared Cost").

15.02.2021 - 14.03.2021 - submission of application packages only in electronic form for the UCF competition.

15.05.2021 - 30.05.2021 - signing of Grant Agreements and publication of the register of winning projects.

30.05.2021 - 30.10.2021 - implementation of projects, including reporting.

Attention! The condition for submitting a project to the competition is mandatory participation in the educational and crowdfunding parts of the Program!

Program products (the list is exhaustive):

  • educational program, series of master classes, creative course, residency;
  • exhibition (offline / online), online gallery, exposition, installation, art objects;
  • festival, competition, concert, audio recording, tour;
  • performance (dramatic, musical, choreographic, etc.), circus program; performance;
  • TV show, radio show, content for alternative media platforms, video art, net art, VR / AR product;
  • video, podcast, video game, mobile application;
  • children's edition, children's magazine (printed or electronic), offline / online children's library), board game, etc .;
  • fashion show / collection, graphic design;
  • children's workshop, hub;
  • promotional company.

Who can apply

Legal entities of all forms of ownership and private entrepreneurs who aim to implement projects aimed at the development of children's creative personality (public, youth and children's organizations, public associations, charitable foundations, etc.)

Contacts: [email protected]

Program registeries

Program dates: 01 January 2021 — 30 October 2021