+38 (044) 504-22-66 [email protected]

Culture +

Applications submitted for the program 205

Culture in times of social transformation and global challenges provides interaction between different stakeholders for the sustainable development of society. The program aims to strengthen the integration of culture in everyday social practices to expand understanding of the role of culture in the life of society, the development of intersectoral cooperation and demonstration of the importance of culture for the preservation of the integrity of the nation and the growth of its creative potential.

The program supports projects, which use participatory methods (methods of involvement) as individual persons and social groups, as well as develop artistic interventions in socially important sectors.

In 2021, the program "Culture Plus" is implemented in partnership with the Ministry for Veterans of Ukraine, the Public Union "Osvitoriya" and the NGO "Center of Street Culture".

Prior to sending the grant application for the program "Culture Plus", the participants hold a competition of ideas and take part in an educational program implemented by the UCF together with partners (within LOTs ).  

The Culture Plus program corresponds to the following priority areas of the Foundation's activity: 

  • Creating conditions for promoting creative activity, new partnerships and common values of civil society in Ukraine.
  • Promoting cross-sectoral partnerships.
  • Promoting intercultural dialogue and supporting cultural diversity.

Program goals:  

  • integrate culture in everyday social practices and increase understanding of the role of culture in the life of society ;  
  • generate new creative solutions / products for the development of street culture, support of veterans of the Russian armed aggression against Ukraine, development of educational potential;  
  • Strengthen intersectoral cooperation and promote the development of cross-sectoral partnerships.

The program undergoes the following stages:

I. Competition of ideas

Submission of applications for the competition of ideas, the purpose of which is to select participants for the educational program and further application for the UCF competition. Rules and criteria for evaluating the competition of ideas of the "Culture Plus" program.  

ІІ. Educational program  

A series of training modules from UCF and LOT partners

III. Project part  

Submission of grant applications for the UCF competition, passing the competitive selection, project implementation.  

The condition for participation in the submission of grant applications is the passage of the first two stages! One organization can submit only one application for the competition of ideas.   

Involving partners with skills, which correspond to а LOT, is an advantage.  

Apply for a competition of ideas

The program budget for 2021- 30 million UAH 

Please note that the budget of the program may increase or drop after approval of the Law «On State Budget of Ukraine for 2021 year» by the Parliament 

As part of the program, "Culture Plus" supports the following sectors of culture and creative industries:  

  • Visual arts
  • Audio arts
  • Audiovisual arts  
  • Fashion and design
  • Performing arts
  • Cultural heritage
  • Literature and publishing
  • Cultural and creative industries

Calendar of competitive selection and terms of project implementation:

20.11.2020 - 15.01.2021 (until 18.00 Kyiv time) - application form for participation in the Competition of ideas within the "Culture Plus" program.

18.01.2021 - 25.01.2021 - selection of participants for the educational program within the "Culture Plus" program.

01.02.2021 - 12.02.2021 - educational part 

15.02.2021 - 12.03.2021 - submission of application packages for the UCF competition (electronic form only)

17.03.2021 - publication of the register of received application packages received

01.03.2021 - 22.03.2021 - Selection of projects in terms of meeting the technical criteria

24.03.2021 - Notification about the status of the application package after technical selection in the applicant’s personal online account

26.03.2021 - Publication of the register of projects following the selection of projects in terms of meeting the technical criteria

09.03.2021 - 09.04.2021 - Assessment of projects by the expert councils of the Foundation

16.04.2021 - Receiving the results of the expert assessment in the applicant’s personal online account

19.04.2021 - Publication of a rating register of all projects after expert evaluation

17.01.2022 - 17.03.2022 - Approval of decisions of the expert councils by the Directorate of the Foundation (through negotiation procedures)

07.04.2022 - Execution of Grant Agreements and publication of the register of winning projects

Upon execution of the Grant Agreement by the Foundation, but not earlier than 30.03.2022 - to 30.09.2022 - Implementation of projects, including submission of reports.

Contacts: [email protected]

Program registeries

Program dates: 20 November 2020 — 30 September 2022