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Institutional programs

Analytics & Applied Research

Monitoring and analytical researches will be ordered in the framework of the programme in accordance with the tender procedure to ensure regular data collection and control over the implementation of the UCF Strategy, as well as diagnostics of the state of development of Ukrainian cultural, creative and audiovisual sectors.

The UCF is working on the elaboration and implementation of efficient evluation procedures in the context of internationally recognized approaches, in particular those used in the monitoring of cultural programs of UNESCO, the Council of Europe and the EU countries.

The programme is aimed at production of knowledge that is the key to the future activities of the UCF and Ukrainian cultural institutions of various types of ownership.

Developing standards and mechanisms of expert evaluation

“Development standards and mechanisms of expert evaluation” is aimed at creating the expert pool of the Foundation who will be able to knowledgeably assess the quality of cultural projects and carry out research in the field of culture and creative industries. In addition, the UCF uses the analytics of own activities to develope the criteria for the assessment of success and efficiency of supported projects, as well as mechanisms for prevention of corrupt practices and misuse of public funds.

The experts of the UCF regularly participate in trainings in order to better master the method of projects assessment according to the UCF requirements, as well as to be aware of the priorities of particular grant programmes and the experience of implementation of projects of the previous year(s).

Coordination groups

The activities of “Coordination Groups” will contribute to the establishment of partnership relations between various parties interested in the development of the ecosystem of culture: state authorities, Ukrainian institutions of different levels of jurisdiction and various forms of ownership, civic institutions, opinion leaders of sectors.

The main goal of the UCF is to create conditions and mechanisms for joint resolution of vital problems for the improvement of the legal framework and the processes as well as financing and promotion of Ukrainian culture.

Business-angels Clubs

“Business angels clubs” - the UCF will promote cultivation and prestige of such phenomenon as business angels primarily through targeted information campaigns aimed at attracting sponsors and patrons to the Ukrainian cultural space and creating a cultural product that would be attractive for outward investments.

The UCF will work on development of a platform for transparent and stable communication between state institutions, entrepreneurship, and civil society.

Training programmes

“Training programmes” serve to improve professional skills of managers and experts of the Foundation, as well as external experts and practitioners in the area of project management, cultural and creative entrepreneurship, cultural diplomacy, cultural marketing etc.

Both Ukrainian and international experts and practitioners of culture and creative industries will be the trainers and lecturers of the programme.

Partner programmes

Institutional activities of the UCF in 2018 were centred around implementation of the two “Partner programmes” in association with the Adam Mickiewicz Institute and the Creative Europe Desk Ukraine.

The first one - “Culture for Local Development”, is aimed at creating a network of professionals from the field of culture of the Eastern Partnership countries, providing participants with project management and leadership skills, as well as developing a participatory approach for project implementation. The second one - “Sharing Contacts - Sharing Knowledge” - serves as a platform for building cooperation and creating joint projects between cultural organizations of Ukraine and Poland.

It is planned to expand the range of partner programmes of the Foundation at a later stage: a contract has been already concluded with the EVZ Foundation for the implementation of Meet up! programme (German-Ukrainian youth encounters); in addition, the British Council in Ukraine supports the Foundation within the framework of one of grant programmes.

Communication campaigns

“Communication campaigns” of the Foundation are focused both on potential grantees with a view to conveying information on the activities of the grant programs of the UCF and the opportunities that they offer to representatives of the cultural sector, arts and creative industries, and on a wide audience - consumers of the final cultural product.

Communication campaigns of the UCF are implemented with the involvement of mass media, new media, by means of information days, press conferences, special events, presentations,etc. The UCF website - ucf.in.ua - is functional as well.

In 2019, it is planned to launch yet another information and analitical web resource - uaculture.org dealing with the information and analytical area of activity of the Foundation, creation of the knowledge base both for grant receivers and for the general public.