+38 (044) 504-22-66 [email protected]
28 August 2018, 10:08

We wish to support as many projects as possible, thus we decided to reconsider budget distribution by analyzing and correcting it according to the amount of applications that received score of 70 points and higher from experts and by saving Foundation’s operational funds.

Budget for Ukrainian Cultural Foundation from State Budget is determined annually by the Law of Ukraine on State Budget of Ukraine for the corresponding year in separate column. 207,5 million UAH were assigned for 2018 including 3 events that were put as separate budget entries. Namely organization of festivals: “Karpatskiy prostir” (6 million UAH), National festival in Kropivnytskii (7,5 million UAH) and festival “Ukrainska Bessarabiia” (7,5 million UAH).  

Basically 186,5 million UAH were left for Foundation’s operational activities. According to the Law of Ukraine on “Ukrainian Cultural Foundation” under 8% is assigned for Foundation’s operational activities, same amount – for payments to the Foundation’s Expert Council. Thus, in May 2018 financing budget for the projects from Ukrainian Cultural Foundation was estimated in sum of 156,66 million UAH.  

Following budget distribution was proposed:

  • individual projects – approx. 50 million UAH (minimum quantity of projects – 100)
  • national cooperation projects – approx. 75 million UAH (minimum quantity of projects – 50)
  • international cooperation projects – approx. 31,66 million UAH (minimum quantity of projects – 15)

On 3rd of August 2018 passport of Foundation’s budget program was approved. Considering that some UCF’s operational funds were saved, budget for projects’ financial support from Ukrainian Cultural Foundation was raised to 159 946 500 UAH.

Considering that Foundation’s operational expenses were cut down, economizing projects’ support budget by Foundation (INT projects that scored 70 points and higher – 20 million UAH in total; NAT projects that scored 70 points and higher – under 53 million UAH in total) and high competition among individual projects that scored 70 points and higher, UCF directorate decided to reallocate budget funds for projects’ support. Thus, budget that was assigned by Ukrainian Cultural Foundation for support of individual projects has risen from 50 million UAH to 86 million UAH. Decision was also approved by Supervisory Board.

Thus, in 2018 it is planned to finance (according to ranking list):

  • international cooperation projects – up to 16 projects
  • national cooperation projects – up to 49 projects
  • individual projects – more than 200 projects

We also would like to inform, that in the nearest time each applicant will receive personal letter with results of the conducted contest of cultural-art projects, where further actions on their projects will be clarified, such as negotiation procedures, budget correlation according to norms of budgeting legislation and signing of grant agreements.

Participants that received less than 70 points from experts this year or those who’s rates do not pass budget that was stated above, also receive letter during September 2018 with all clarifications on the rating points they received and experts’ comments.

Категорія: Новини