+38 (044) 504-22-66 [email protected]
24 April 2020, 08:04

On April 21, 2020, a meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation was held, which considered the proposals of the Directorate of the Foundation  to support cultural and artistic projects after the entry into force of the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine «On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2020»" of 13.04.2020

Within the preliminary budget of the UCF in the amount of UAH 697 million for the implementation of projects submitted for ten competitive programs, UAH 462 million was provided. After the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved the changes to the State Budget, the UCF funding was reduced to UAH 400.86 million, of which UAH 334 million 367 thousand was provided to support the projects.

Due to the decrease in funding to support the implementation of projects submitted to the UCF's competition programs and the risks arising from the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus infection, the UCF Supervisory Board adopted the following approach to project financing in 2020:

  • not to support projects and individual expenditure items in projects that focus on international events, international mobility, due to the increased risk of not executing such projects due to the lack of transport links between countries and the lack of final decisions by most countries to end travel restrictions;
  • projects (or individual items of expenditure in projects), the main result of which are various events, as well as projects involving foreign participants, can only be financed if the events  of the online or digital formats because of the high risk of prolonging the ban of conducting mass events in the conditions of quarantine and spreading of coronavirus infection COVID-19. If formatting is impossible, UCF holds the right not to support such projects.
  • If several projects are invited to negotiate from one applicant, UCF provides funding to only one of them (at the applicant's choice) or reduce the budgets of all submitted projects by 35%;
  • to reduce the budget of each project invited for negotiation by at least 10%. This will allow the funding of approximately 348 projects, subject to the payment of private entrepreneur taxes.
  • The Ukrainian Cultural Foundation took all necessary steps to ensure that the maximum number of cultural and artistic projects is implemented in 2020, considering the constraints and difficult economic situation caused by the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus infection.

Категорія: Новини